Welcome to TRP Construction

The first 3 let­ters of TRP Con­struc­tion Gen­eral Con­trac­tors reflect the name of its orig­i­nal owner Ted R. Postma. When Ted started TRP Con­struc­tion in 1993, he had 28 years of con­struc­tion knowl­edge and project man­age­ment expe­ri­ence under his belt, and had a rep­u­ta­tion for per­form­ing qual­ity and reli­able work. These attrib­utes have become hall­marks of TRP Con­struc­tion since its incep­tion. After 16 years of work­ing for TRP Con­struc­tion, Ted’s son, Matt Postma, is the new owner and Pres­i­dent of TRP Con­struc­tion and, along with the entire TRP Con­struc­tion team, strives to con­tinue the family’s stan­dard of excel­lence in construction.
TRP Con­struc­tion is able to under­take all forms of ICI con­struc­tion from the small­est project to $25M; with a total work pro­gram of $50M; span­ning across the Greater Golden Horse­shoe area and South­ern Ontario regions. We spe­cial­ize in indus­trial, com­mer­cial, and insti­tu­tional new con­struc­tion, addi­tions, demo­li­tions, as well as, var­i­ous aspects of exte­rior and inte­rior ren­o­va­tions.


Qual­ity con­struc­tion in a safe envi­ron­ment — on time and within bud­get. Together we can build the extraordinary!


TRP Con­struc­tion aims to exceed our client’s expec­ta­tions by work­ing together to pro­vide a fin­ished prod­uct of the utmost qual­ity, on time and bud­get, within an envi­ron­ment where work ethic and safety stan­dards are uncompromised.


Gen­eral Con­tract­ing, Con­struc­tion Man­age­ment, Design-Build, and Demo­li­tion.


St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Secondary School

New Construction of 4-Storey 177,000sf secondary school.

Construction valued at $60.1M.

Owner: Halton Catholic District School Board
Con­sul­tant: Snyder Architects Inc.

New Cambridge Joint Elementary School

New Construction of 98,000sf 2-storey elementary school and a 7,800sf childcare centre.

Construction valued at $26.3M.

Con­sul­tant: jp thomson architects ltd.
