Health & Safety

TRP Con­struc­tion has a Health & Safety pol­icy and pro­gram in place that exceeds the require­ments of the Ontario Occu­pa­tional Health & Safety Act and Reg­u­la­tion for Con­struc­tion Projects. TRP Con­struc­tion will adhere to all Health & Safety poli­cies and pro­ce­dures for the dura­tion of all con­struc­tion projects.

TRP Con­struc­tion is famil­iar and com­pli­ant with local applic­a­ble laws, bylaws, ordi­nances, rules, reg­u­la­tions or codes of author­i­ties. TRP Con­struc­tion is com­pli­ant with the Ontario Employ­ment Stan­dards Act, as well as, the Acces­si­bil­ity for Ontar­i­ans with Dis­abil­i­ties Act.

All TRP Con­struc­tion Site Super­in­ten­dents are cer­ti­fied Health & Safety Rep­re­sen­ta­tives by the ​ISHA.

All TRP Construction site workers are trained annually to meet provincial regulations for WHMIS and every 3 years for Working at Heights and First Aid/CPR. In addition, TRP Construction site workers must complete Asbestos Awareness, Confined Space Awareness, Aerial Work Platforms, Forklift, and Propane training. All workers participate in the annual review of the Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects. All workers must comply to TRP Construction’s Health & Safety program. TRP Construction has regular site safety check inspections, including hazard analysis and tool box talks. TRP Construction uses an internal EXCEL™ tracking system to monitor employee training compliance.

All Sub​contractors are to com­ply with TRP Construction’s Health & Safety Pro­gram, sign the agree­ment, and sup­ply to TRP Con­struc­tion their Health & Safety Pol­icy before project start.

TRP Con­struc­tion con­firms that all Work­ers, Man­age­ment, and Own­ers are cov­ered by the WSIB and that no exemp­tions apply.

In the past 10 years, TRP Con­struc­tion has not received any Stop Work Orders from the Min­istry of Labour nor had any health and safety infractions/​charges.

TRP Construction is registered and participating in the IHSA’s Certificate of Recognition (COR™) Program. We are working with a 3rd-party H&S company to attain COR™ certification and our current Health & Safety program is COR™ equivalent.

TRP Con­struc­tion has been hon­oured for out­stand­ing safety per­for­mance and is the recip­i­ent of the Ontario Gen­eral Con­trac­tors Asso­ci­a­tion Safety Achieve­ment Award for main­tain­ing Zero Lost Time Injuries for the peri­ods 199320122014 – 2020. In our 28-​year his­tory, TRP Con­struc­tion has had one lost-​time accident.