
Design-​Build is a method of project deliv­ery in which one entity — the DB team — works under a sin­gle con­tract with the project Owner to pro­vide design and con­struc­tion ser­vices. One entity, one con­tract, one uni­fied flow of work from ini­tial con­cept through con­struc­tion completion.

TRP Con­struc­tion has col­lab­o­rated with Grin­ham Archi­tects since 2008; com­plet­ing 3 projects at the Uni­ver­sity of Guelph and the new con­struc­tion of the County of Wellington’s Puslinch Library, Palmer­ston Afford­able Hous­ing, and Dray­ton Works Garage. Together we recently com­pleted the Raithby Bike Shel­ter DB project at the Uni­ver­sity of Guelph’s main cam­pus. This involved the new con­struc­tion of an archi­tec­turally unique and sus­tain­able bike shel­ter adja­cent to the Raithby House build­ing; inte­grat­ing a solar panel array sys­tem, green roof and liv­ing walls, and reclaimed tim­ber beams — val­ued at $373K.